You Deserve Freedom


Resources for Family

Resources for Family

Blog articles by Bel Aire Recovery Center about substance abuse offering resources for family and friends of the struggling individual.

swimming - mindfulness - drug treatment - addiction - rehab - therapy - mental health
There is a reasonable chance that when you hear someone mention mindfulness, you imagine a person sitting quietly with their eyes closed while they breathe in and out and don’t seem to do much else. And it is certainly the case that mindfulness practice often can be fairly described in those terms. The heart of...
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collegiate recovery program addiction recovery, Full Continuum of Care, plan, sober, treatment, therapy, rehab, to do
Aside from getting sober, imagine you have decided you would like to write a novel. For our purposes here, let’s say you have decided to pen a mystery novel—a murder, a private detective, a twisty plot, an exciting climax, and justice served in the end. Now imagine that today is the day you have decided...
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friend, asking questions, nosy, support, help, treatment
It perhaps goes without saying that humans tend to be pretty curious. In many ways, that is a wonderful thing. If we were not driven to discover new things, we probably would be living very different lives. Curiosity, after all, leads to innovation and invention, and those things move us all forward in many different...
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sleep, rest, sleeping, good sleep, better sleep, rehab, recovery
The folks who make and sell mattresses invest a lot of money into letting us know that their products will transform the quality of our sleep. Maybe you can adjust the firmness of the mattress—and even have separate settings for each sleeper. Maybe you can press a button to raise your head or your feet...
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budgeting, budget, fast food, mcdonalds, drink
Budgeting goes way back. When you think of Popeye the Sailor Man—and surely you do—you most likely think of spinach. You know his old line: I’m strong to the finish ’cause I eats me spinach. But spinach is not the only food on offer in the Popeye cartoons. Indeed, a fellow named Wimpy is frequently...
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woman, gardening, green, plants, growing, rehab, recovery, sober
An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life. That quote, attributed around the internet to either Cora Lea Bell or Cora Lee Bell, might just resonate with you if you are a person in recovery from a substance use disorder. While we never make light of...
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continuum of care, after discharge, group friends support commitment
When you think about getting treatment for a substance use disorder, you probably think of two key components: detoxification and rehabilitation. Those first two portions of treatment programs are so well known, they go by nicknames—detox and rehab. You probably noticed that we just called them the “first two portions of treatment.” Maybe you are...
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women falling leaves autumn happy sobriety
Looking backwards and forwards — what does it have to do with sobriety?  All of us seem to be predisposed to thinking about the past and worrying about the future. We lose sleep over things we regret and also over things we are worried about. We let past mistakes lower our self-esteem, and we let...
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woman listening to music headphones happy recovery
We have all had it happen. A song gets stuck in our head, and it seems like nothing can shake it loose. Some songs are well known earworms, and others might be specific to a given individual. Either way, once you hear an earworm of a song, it can stick with you for hours—or even...
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language of recovery, two men addiction recovery treatment
In a recent blog post, we took a look at a few terms and phrases that might be described as “recovery jargon.” We covered the process known as urge surfing to fend off cravings. We defined the phrase “dry drunk.” And we took a look at the vagaries of the pink cloud, which can cause...
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