You Deserve Freedom

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient Treatment for Addiction Recovery allows individuals struggling with substance use disorders to receive therapeutic support and counseling while continuing to live at home and maintain their daily responsibilities. This type of treatment is often recommended for individuals with milder issues or those who have completed a more intensive level of care, such as residential treatment. Bel Aire Recovery Center, a residential and outpatient rehab in Kansas, offers programming to fit various schedules.

Intensive outpatient Program (IOP)

Intensive outpatient Programs (IOPs) play a critical role in treating substance use disorders (SUDs). These programs are structured yet flexible, allowing clients to receive intensive treatment while maintaining their daily responsibilities, such as work, school, or family commitments. 

Structure and Schedule

IOPs typically involve multiple sessions per week, often three to five days, with each session lasting a few hours. The exact schedule can vary based on the individual’s needs and the specific program. This structure provides a high level of care while allowing clients to apply what they learn in real-time to their daily lives.

Therapeutic Modalities

Various therapeutic approaches are employed in IOPs, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): a widely used, evidence-based psychotherapy program, CBT helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. It focuses on the interconnection between thoughts, emotions, and actions, aiming to transform maladaptive thinking into healthier, more constructive responses. CBT is effective in treating various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. By engaging in structured, goal-oriented sessions with a trained therapist, clients learn coping strategies, problem-solving skills, and techniques to challenge and modify distorted cognitions. This approach empowers individuals to achieve lasting improvements in their mental and emotional well-being.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. It emphasizes balancing acceptance and change, teaching skills in four key areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT helps individuals achieve emotional stability and improve their overall quality of life.
  • Group Therapy: this form of psychotherapy involves a small group of individuals with similar issues or goals who meet regularly to discuss their experiences under the guidance of a trained therapist. This therapeutic approach offers a supportive environment where participants can share their challenges, gain insights, and learn from each other’s experiences. Group therapy fosters a sense of community and belonging, reducing feelings of isolation. The group dynamic encourages open communication, enhances social skills, and provides multiple perspectives on problem-solving and coping strategies.
  • Family Therapy: offered as part of outpatient rehab therapy, family therapy involves family members’ participation in addressing and resolving issues affecting the family unit. It aims to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships by exploring family dynamics and patterns of behavior. Guided by a trained therapist, family therapy sessions help identify and address the underlying causes of stress, misunderstandings, and emotional distress within the family. This approach is effective for a variety of issues, including mental health disorders, substance use, and behavioral problems. By fostering a supportive and collaborative environment, family therapy promotes healing, mutual understanding, and healthier family functioning.

Other Offerings in Our Outpatient Rehab Programs in Kansas Education and Skill Building

Bel Aire Recovery Center puts an emphasis on education in our IOP. Clients learn about substance abuse, triggers, coping strategies, and relapse prevention techniques. Skill-building activities might include stress management, communication skills, and problem-solving.

Medication Management

For some clients, medication is an essential part of treatment. IOPs often include psychiatric services to manage medications, ensuring they are used effectively and safely.

Benefits of IOPs


One of the primary advantages of an outpatient rehab treatment program is their flexibility. Clients can maintain their everyday responsibilities, which reduces the disruption to their lives and makes treatment more accessible for those who cannot take extended time off from work or family duties.

Continuity of Care

IOPs provide a middle ground between residential treatment and traditional outpatient therapy. They offer more intensive support than outpatient therapy while allowing clients to stay in their communities, which can enhance the continuity of care and support long-term recovery.

Peer Support

Group therapy sessions in IOPs foster a sense of community among participants. Sharing experiences with peers who are facing similar challenges can reduce feelings of isolation and provide valuable support and encouragement.

Focused Treatment

The concentrated nature of IOPs allows for a focused approach to treatment. Clients receive multiple hours of therapy each week, enabling them to make significant progress in a shorter time frame compared to less intensive outpatient services.

Outpatient Treatment for Addiction Recovery, Group Therapy, Outpatient Treatment for Addiction Recovery, Outpatient Therapy,


9229 East 37th Street, Suite 103
Wichita, Kansas 67226
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Challenges of IOPs

  • Commitment and Motivation: IOPs require a high level of commitment and motivation from clients. The demanding schedule and the need to actively participate in therapy can be challenging, especially for those struggling with severe symptoms or low motivation.
  • Accessibility: While IOPs are more flexible than inclient programs, they still require a significant time commitment. This can be a barrier for individuals with demanding jobs, caretaking responsibilities, or other constraints. Additionally, access to quality IOPs may be limited in rural or underserved areas.
  • Coordination of Care: Effective IOPs require coordination among various healthcare providers, including therapists, psychiatrists, and primary care doctors. Ensuring seamless communication and collaboration can be challenging but is crucial for comprehensive care.

Effectiveness of IOPs

For substance use disorders, IOPs are an essential part of the continuum of care. They are particularly effective for individuals who do not require 24-hour supervision but still need a high level of support. IOPs provide a structured environment that helps clients avoid triggers and build a sober support network. Studies have shown that IOPs can reduce substance use, improve mental health, and increase the likelihood of long-term recovery.

Intensive Outpatient Programs are a vital component of the mental health and addiction treatment landscape. Their structured yet flexible approach allows clients to receive intensive care while maintaining their daily lives. With a focus on therapy, education, and skill-building, IOPs offer significant benefits, including flexibility, peer support, and focused treatment. Despite challenges such as accessibility and the need for high client commitment, IOPs have proven effective in treating various mental health disorders, substance use disorders, and dual diagnoses. As the healthcare system continues to evolve, IOPs will remain a crucial option for those seeking comprehensive, effective treatment while balancing the demands of everyday life.

IOP sessions at Bel Aire Recovery Center are offered both during the day and after hours on weekdays. Call for details and a schedule.

Traditional outpatient Therapy

Our Outpatient Treatment for Addiction Recovery, much like our IOP, allows participants to live at home while obtaining guidance through therapy sessions. The difference is the frequency and intensity of the therapy. This is a step down from our IOP.

At Bel Aire, our outpatient programs offer participants guidance on healthy ways to identify, avoid, and overcome triggers, defeat negative thought patterns, and increase self-compassion. Long-term sobriety requires both a strong support network and ongoing personal growth.

Our outpatient care programs are designed to help participants recognize obstacles that often make recovery more difficult and discover practical ways of overcoming these obstacles. We help individuals develop skills to foster healthy relationships and improve decision-making abilities. Our goal is to advance recovery through proven therapies for coping with cravings, compulsiveness, anger, resentment, stress, and other triggers. Our team employs various treatment protocols including relapse prevention curriculum, mindfulness, DBT, and CBT.

Most importantly, our programs help clients rebuild their lives while working, parenting, going to school, and more.

Outpatient sessions are offered both during the day and after hours on weekdays. Call for details and a schedule.

Outpatient Treatment for Addiction Recovery

You’re Never Alone

Leaving the structured environment of residential treatment can feel overwhelming. You may be worried about how to manage triggers, cravings, and the challenges of daily life on your own, but it’s important to remember that Bel Aire Recovery Center is committed to your success. When you need help, a recovery specialist is always just a phone call away.

Bel Aire Recovery Center, Addiction Treatment Service,About Bel Aire Recovery Center

Bel Aire Recovery Center is a renowned treatment facility dedicated to helping individuals overcome substance use disorders and
co-occurring mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. Located in the heart of Kansas, the center offers a serene and supportive environment where clients can focus on their recovery journey. With a comprehensive range of services, experienced staff, and evidence-based treatment approaches, Bel Aire Recovery Center has established itself as a leader in addiction recovery.


One of the first steps in the recovery process at Bel Aire Recovery Center is detoxification. The center provides medically supervised detox to help clients safely and comfortably withdraw from substances. This phase is critical as it prepares individuals for the intensive therapy and treatment that follow. The medical team at Bel Aire ensures that clients are monitored 24/7, managing withdrawal symptoms and providing necessary medical interventions.

Residential Treatment

Bel Aire Recovery Center offers a robust residential treatment program for individuals requiring intensive care. This program involves living at the facility for a designated period, typically 30 to 90 days, depending on individual needs. The residential program provides a structured environment where clients engage in daily therapy sessions, educational workshops, and recreational activities. The goal is to remove individuals from the triggers and stresses of everyday life, allowing them to focus entirely on their recovery.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

For those who need intensive treatment but also wish to maintain their daily responsibilities, Bel Aire offers an Intensive outpatient Program (IOP). This program provides flexibility, allowing clients to attend therapy sessions several times a week while living at home. The IOP includes individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and educational sessions, all designed to support sustained recovery.

Aftercare and Alumni Support

Bel Aire Recovery Center recognizes that recovery is a lifelong journey. To support clients after they complete their initial treatment, the center offers robust aftercare and alumni programs. These programs include ongoing therapy, support groups, and regular check-ins to ensure individuals remain on track with their recovery goals. The alumni network provides a sense of community and ongoing encouragement, which is vital for long-term sobriety.

Bel Aire Recovery Center offers a path to a healthier and more fulfilling life for those seeking a comprehensive and nurturing approach to addiction recovery.

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