You Deserve Freedom


Resources for Family

Resources for Family

Blog articles by Bel Aire Recovery Center about substance abuse offering resources for family and friends of the struggling individual.

gorgeous Black woman with short hair reading a book by lamp light in her bedroom - mindfulness
Mindfulness & Your Mental Health We have written before about the ways in which mindfulness can support your mental health and recovery from a substance use disorder. On the surface, the practice of mindfulness seems both straightforward and simple. The goal is to be present in the current moment rather than ruminating about the past...
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beautiful young Black woman in a bright yellow sweater smiling and reading a book outdoors - boredom
What Is Boredom? It happens to all of us from time to time. You are simply going about your day when suddenly you find yourself feeling restless or distracted. Whatever you are doing right at that moment isn’t any fun—and worse, you can’t really think of anything else to do that would be fun. Maybe...
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computer drawn illustration of a woman at therapy - willpower
You have heard the expression, “ Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” It is an idea dating back to the 1600s—and many of us simply accept it as true. We believe that if we apply our willpower, we can find a way to accomplish just about anything. It’s a nice, motivational idea. But it...
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boxing ring inside a gym - core principles
Core Principles There are times when advice becomes so familiar that it is easy to stop hearing it. For example, if you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, you are likely familiar with the 12 Steps (or some variation on that theme) associated with Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous. You might even be overly...
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grandfather sitting on the couch with his granddaughter and daughter in law, playing chess - lovely multi-racial family - loneliness
Loneliness Is the Enemy of Sobriety In a recent blog entry, we discussed the various ways in which staying single in the early days of recovery can be a good idea. Rushing into a romantic entanglement can add complications to an already challenging situation and is often not the best strategy for maintaining your hard-won...
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cartoon of man with large question mark and exclamation mark by him - marijuana
It is undeniable that society’s attitudes about marijuana (also called cannabis) have been rapidly changing over the last several years. A Shift in Perception As of this writing, 15 states have made cannabis legal for recreational use (we should note that Kansas is not one of these states) and many more have made it legal...
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young adult woman and man looking at laptop together - help
If you love someone who is struggling with a substance use disorder, you already know the ways in which drugs and alcohol can turn a person’s life upside down and make it difficult for them to deal with even the most mundane parts of their day. They are probably underperforming at work or school; they...
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closeup of woman taking a white pill - chronic pain
An Overview It’s more than the occasional headache, a lingering ache from a recent sports injury, or a bit of persistent discomfort. It’s chronic pain—and experts estimate that just over 20% of people struggle with it. That number, which means 1 in every 5 people suffers from chronic pain, is alarming in and of itself....
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concerned young man at home with girlfriend - quarantine
Before the COVID-19 crisis forced many of us to slow down, our lives were extremely busy. There was always another meeting to attend, or an activity to drive the kids to, or lawn work that needed ongoing attention. We talked a lot about how busy we were—complained about it, really. And yet, we didn’t seem...
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ambulance driving through city tunnel at night - overdoses
We can’t overemphasize the potentially catastrophic danger of overdoses. Let us be perfectly clear from the beginning: overdoses require immediate medical intervention. Without that intervention, death is a very real possibility. Even if you survive the overdose, you may suffer severe organ damage or other significant health impacts. Life and Death An overdose is easily...
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