You Deserve Freedom


Addiction Treatment, Addiction Detox Services, Insurance Verification Form, detox programs near me, detoxing alcohol, alcohol detox center near me, drug detox near me, medical detox program
Often, a big experience or accomplishment in our lives is followed by a moment of indecision or uncertainty. You might call it a “now what?” moment. You just graduated from high school or college, but you don’t have the next thing lined up yet. Now what? You just brought a brand new baby home from...
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We Count by Three for Recovery Advice,
Whether you get your information from Schoolhouse Rock or from Greek philosophy, an investigation of the number three will quickly lead you to the suggestion that there is something special or significant about the third digit.  We can neither deny nor confirm this hypothesis. But what we can confirm is that we have often used...
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Misinformation, Misinformation Misses the Mark When It Comes to Recovery -- Part Two
Misinformation Misses the Mark When It Comes to Recovery — Part Two In a recent entry, we began the process of replacing some bad information about substance use disorders and recovery with good information.  As we noted last time out, there are little snippets of so-called “accepted wisdom” out in the world that everyone seems...
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Tactical Recovery is a Great Sobriety Strategy for Veterans
Serving in the United States Armed Forces can be a great source of pride for many of the brave individuals who make up the ranks of the various branches of the military. A sense of fellow-feeling and mutual support—as well as a clear set of expectations and responsibilities—are hallmarks of military service. All too often,...
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Memoirs Reveal You Are Not Alone in Recovery
Sometimes, even when you are surrounded by supportive friends and family, it can feel as though you are going through recovery all alone. After all, most of the people around you have no actual experience with a substance use disorder and the challenges that come with working to stay sober. (An important exception, of course,...
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Alcohol Use Disorder, Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Step by Twelve Steps – An Introduction to Alcoholics Anonymous
Most of us have a pretty good idea of what an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is like—at least in broad outline. People gather together in someplace like a church basement, share something from their lives and recovery journey (if they are so inclined), and enjoy some coffee and cookies. That much has been depicted in countless...
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Countdown to Reclaim Calm and Manage Anxiety. As for the exercise itself, it is all about your senses, starting with your sense of sight.
When you hear the word “countdown,” what comes to mind?  Our guess is that you think of quite a number of things before you think about a way to manage anxiety. You might think of the countdown to a rocket launch. You might think of a weekly countdown of the most popular songs in the...
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Pill - Xanax, Different Drugs
We cover a lot of ground in this blog, tacking all sorts of issues related to substance use disorders, treatment, and the recovery journey. There is, if we do say so ourselves, a pretty impressive collection of content to be found here. But with lots of content comes the danger that it can be hard...
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Restart After a Relapse
It always seems to happen when you are trying to do something important. All of sudden your phone or your computer or your tablet seems to slow to a crawl. Images won’t load, applications or programs crash or freeze, and no matter how many times you click on something nothing seems to happen. It is...
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September is a Month for Celebrating Recovery
You probably know that each month of the year has several designated causes, ideas, or activities associated with it. But you may not be aware of just how many designations there are! Here are just a few of the various causes that are associated with specific months.  Some of them are related to history and...
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