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Addiction Treatment

Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance abuse treatment and addiction recovery. Here you will find information and resources.

alcohol rehab in Kansas, alcohol rehabilitation, alcohol addiction, upset woman reaching for wine glass - alcohol, Alcohol Use Disorder, withdrawal from alcohol, Kansas City Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol Use Disorder Addiction to alcohol can be difficult to face—and it can be easier to reframe your drinking as simply something you do socially or that you happen to enjoy rather than as a problem. But alcoholism, which is known in the medical community as an alcohol use disorder (AUD), is not about good...
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beautiful woman with curly dark hair looking thoughtfully out of cafe window - mind
It is so easy to let our minds wander. And when they wander, they often take us on journeys we would rather avoid. Our mind might dwell on past mistakes or disappointments; our thoughts might get tangled up in worry about the future; or our mind might simply drift away from the present moment while...
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shape of head formed by blue strings and nails
What do you think of when going to therapy? If you imagine discussing your childhood while lying on a comfy couch, you’re not alone. This is the traditional Freudian psychoanalysis that’s commonly portrayed on TV and in movies. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for substance abuse is different. CBT treats problems by modifying dysfunctional thoughts, behaviors,...
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middle age woman looking hopeful
Moving forward after relapse is a normal part of drug and alcohol recovery. While it’s natural to complete rehab and think, “I’m cured!” no one is ever really cured of addiction. Addiction shares much in common with progressive, chronic diseases such as cancer. While you’re never really ‘cured’ of cancer, cancer can go into remission....
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arrow, sign, roadblock, recovery
When you think about it, it is kind of amazing how frequently we fail to do something we know we really ought to do, and the roadblocks we face.   You know you should go to bed, so you won’t be exhausted in the morning. But you stay up to binge a few more episodes...
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Family Systems Therapy, couple in therapy session - family systems therapy
Family Systems Therapy can be particularly beneficial in the context of addiction recovery. Substance use disorder, (formerly known as substance abuse), and addiction not only affect the individual struggling with the addiction but also have a significant impact on the entire family unit. Family members may experience feelings of helplessness, anger, guilt, and anxiety, and...
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wooden puzzle creating shape of arrow - trauma-responsive
Trauma and Substance Use The connection between trauma and increased risk of substance abuse disorders is well documented. As a result, most treatment centers and medical professionals in the addiction field can be described as “trauma informed:” their treatment philosophy and methodology takes into account the experiences that might be undergirding a person’s struggles with...
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Xanax Misuse, white oblong tablet on dark blue paper background - Xanax
Some prescription drugs become well known in popular culture, especially drugs related to the treatment of anxiety. Any number of neurotic or anxious characters who appear in comedies—think of any character ever played by Woody Allen, for example—may namecheck a pharmaceutical to get a laugh.Use and MisuseXanax, a drug often prescribed for anxiety, is just...
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Addiction Treatment, Addiction Detox Services, Insurance Verification Form, detox programs near me, detoxing alcohol, alcohol detox center near me, drug detox near me, medical detox program
Often, a big experience or accomplishment in our lives is followed by a moment of indecision or uncertainty. You might call it a “now what?” moment.You just graduated from high school or college, but you don’t have the next thing lined up yet. Now what?You just brought a brand new baby home from the hospital...
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getting treatment for a substance disorder order, The Time is Now When it Comes to Sobriety, Delaying treatment
Way back in 1969, the band Chicago had a hit with a song from the group’s very first record. The song’s title is a question: “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?”It’s a philosophical question (and truthfully, kind of an odd song). A close listen to the lyrics suggests that the answer to the...
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