You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance abuse and addiction recovery. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

Pill Capsules - PCP
If someone told you that they knew an easy way to help you set aside all of the stress in your life, you would probably be fairly intrigued. PCP and Stress After all, stress is a part of everyone’s life—and frequently it seems as though that stress will overwhelm us. For some people, even attempts...
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Lady at Desk - Burnout
Recovery from a substance use disorder is an ongoing journey—and the trip is not always smooth. That is why it is so important to develop a range of skills that can help you maintain your sobriety when the going gets tough. Work-Related Stress One of the many things that can make recovery difficult is stress...
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Doctor with Medication - Clonazepam, Getting Clear About Clonazepam—a Benzo With Benefits as Well as Potential Problems,
Some medications turn out to be effective for more than one condition. Take, for example, clonazepam (also known by the brand name Klonopin). It is extremely useful as an anticonvulsant medication—including as a way to treat epilepsy. But it can also be effective for limiting or eliminating panic attacks. That is all to the good,...
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Stacked Rocks - Recovery
You’ve probably heard the saying, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” That particular quote is credited to Ralph Waldo Emerson, but over the years the idea has been expressed many different ways (here’s Miley Cyrus’ take, for example). The foundational idea is this: focusing too exclusively on an end goal can cause you to...
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Clock - Ambien
Few things in the world are more delightful than a good night’s sleep. Going to bed content and waking up rested can keep us upbeat about life, able to meet challenges that come our way, and in better overall health. Sleep is a gift and its benefits are many. Sleeplessness & Mental Health But for...
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Back of Woman - Meth
The use of methamphetamines has been a major problem in the United States for quite some time now. But recent reports suggest that the problem has been made even worse by the opioid epidemic in America. From 2015 to 2018, the number of deaths related to meth use more than doubled. Meths Triggers Meth is...
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Pill Bottle - Painkillers
Anytime you’re experiencing significant amounts of pain, you likely have only one priority: finding a way to make the pain stop. If the pain is bad enough, you probably won’t pay too much attention to exactly how the pain is alleviated. The “how” doesn’t feel nearly as important as the end result. Knowing the Difference...
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Prescription Pill Bottle - Antidepressants
When it comes to living a happy and successful life, good mental health is every bit as important as good physical health. Just as an injury or condition in our body can prevent us from enjoying activities or pursuing goals, a mental health issue can sideline us—sometimes for an extended period. Antidepressants and Mental Health...
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Bowling - Recreational Therapy
Most of us have a picture in our mind of what therapy looks like. The most clichéd image that pops to mind is probably that of a person reclined on a couch explaining their problems or fears to a therapist who sits upright in a chair taking notes and asking leading questions. Therapy Clichés Or...
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cartoon of man with large question mark and exclamation mark by him - marijuana
It is undeniable that society’s attitudes about marijuana (also called cannabis) have been rapidly changing over the last several years. A Shift in Perception As of this writing, 15 states have made cannabis legal for recreational use (we should note that Kansas is not one of these states) and many more have made it legal...
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