You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance abuse and addiction recovery. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

Substitute Addiction
What defines success in recovery?  At the most obvious level, success in recovery could probably be defined simply as not using drugs or alcohol. If you are maintaining your sobriety, you are succeeding in recovery, right? In many cases, that formula—not drinking or using drugs = recovery success—is sufficient. But some people in recovery find...
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A Roundup of Details About Different Drugs: Part 2, cough suppressant, codeine,
In a recent entry, we looked back to some previous blog entries that provide details about the dangers of different kinds of drugs. Last time out, we considered cocaine, PCP, and opioids. Of course, those are far from the only drugs that can lead to a substance use disorder. In this entry, we will highlight...
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Addiction at work
Your job is probably an important—arguably an essential—part of your life. The money you earn at work makes most everything else in your life possible, so having (and keeping) a job is absolutely foundational.  However, if you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, there is a good chance that things are getting a little dicey...
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what to expect, Expect Evidence, Expertise, Experience, and Empathy
Some people put off getting help addressing a substance use disorder due to a fear of the unknown. Residential treatment can seem scary—especially when you do not quite know what to expect. There are a couple of different ways to think about what is involved in treatment. The first might be the most obvious—a chronological description...
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Reflecting on the Recovery Journey – It’s The Climb
In 2009, Miley Cyrus was just a couple of years away from making the move from Disney Channel star to pop star. A key transitional moment, arguably, came with a song she recorded for Hannah Montana: The Movie—a song that listed Cyrus as the vocalist rather than her TV alter ego and that was a...
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It has been a while since we recommended some podcasts related to recovery. Since then, the popularity—and range of options—of podcasts have just kept growing. It is pretty easy to see why that might be the case. Podcasts let you explore your specific interests in a format that is perfect for your busy life. While...
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When you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, it is always tempting to tell yourself some lies so that you do not have to face up to the problem. “I could quit anytime I want.” “I don’t really have a problem because nothing bad has happened.” “I’m just a social drinker.” No doubt you could...
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girl smoking drugs substance use disorder mental health
If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that frequently in these blog posts, we refer to “co-occurring mental health disorders”—mental health issues that impact a person’s life at the same time they are dealing with a substance use disorder. We often emphasize how important it is to address mental health disorders alongside...
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digital illustration; flat looking design of girl meditating about routines and rituals - rut
Routine in Recovery As a general rule, we are believers in the power of routine in recovery. A good slate of routines can go a long way toward helping you maintain your sobriety. For example, it is a good idea to have a set of routines around things like attending 12-Step (or other) recovery meetings,...
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round white tablets on blueish background - codeine
Codeine Misuse Can Lead to Bigger Problems When you think about the opioid epidemic in the United States, the odds are pretty good that codeine does not immediately jump to mind. Instead, you may think of codeine as a mild cough suppressant and source of pain relief. That is entirely understandable. Codeine has been around...
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