You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance abuse and addiction recovery. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

Drug Addiction Treatment in Wichita, Drug Addiction, overdose, pills, drugs, drug overdose, sober, addict, addiction, recovery, rehab
When you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, it is always tempting to tell yourself some lies so that you do not have to face up to the problem. “I could quit anytime I want.” “I don’t really have a problem because nothing bad has happened.” “I’m just a social drinker.” No doubt you could...
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girl smoking drugs substance use disorder mental health
If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that frequently in these blog posts, we refer to “co-occurring mental health disorders”—mental health issues that impact a person’s life at the same time they are dealing with a substance use disorder. We often emphasize how important it is to address mental health disorders alongside...
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digital illustration; flat looking design of girl meditating about routines and rituals - rut
Routine in Recovery As a general rule, we are believers in the power of routine in recovery. A good slate of routines can go a long way toward helping you maintain your sobriety. For example, it is a good idea to have a set of routines around things like attending 12-Step (or other) recovery meetings,...
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closeup of large plastic looking bright orange number four on an unfinished wooden table - emotions
Emotions have a way of sneaking up on a person. One moment, you are feeling perfectly fine, but then a stray memory makes you feel sad. Or you are working steadily on a project, but then a series of small setbacks add up to mounting feelings of frustration. Or you are feeling down in the...
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round white tablets on blueish background - codeine
Codeine Misuse Can Lead to Bigger Problems When you think about the opioid epidemic in the United States, the odds are pretty good that codeine does not immediately jump to mind. Instead, you may think of codeine as a mild cough suppressant and source of pain relief. That is entirely understandable. Codeine has been around...
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pretty woman in a sweater looking worried sitting on steps - benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepine Addiction There are so many different stressors in our lives. So many, in fact, that it might seem impossible to even begin to list them. But here’s a stab at such a list—woefully incomplete though it is: We have stress in our family lives. Our partners, kids, parents, in-laws, and on and on are...
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young woman covered in paint, smiling and showing her hands to the camera - experiential art therapy
There is a famous moment in William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy Hamlet, Prince of Denmark in which Hamlet asks a group of actors to put on a play that bears a strong resemblance to some misdeeds he believes his uncle and mother have committed. The goal, as Hamlet puts it, is to “catch the conscience...
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two Caucasian young men playing a game of pick up basketball outside - exercise routine
It Is Easy to Make Exercise Excuses Sometimes it can seem as if there are only two levels of exercise: intense and none. And let’s face it, given those choices, a whole lot of us are going to go with the second option. Of course, we all know that it is a good idea to...
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tired or stressed man at a casino - substitute addiction
You have regained your sobriety and started your recovery journey. You have established some good routines—going to recovery meetings, keeping a gratitude journal, getting outside to enjoy the fresh air and beauty to be found in the natural world—and you are feeling pretty good about your ability to manage cravings and maintain your sobriety over...
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cropped shot of mom tucking her little girl into bed - bed time routine
Sometimes it can feel as though you will never be able to go to bed. A Routine for Good Sleep There are dirty dishes in the sink or a school project that your kid didn’t tell you about until the last minute. Maybe your boss sent you an after-hours email and clearly expects a response...
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