You Deserve Freedom


Pill - Xanax, Different Drugs
We cover a lot of ground in this blog, tacking all sorts of issues related to substance use disorders, treatment, and the recovery journey. There is, if we do say so ourselves, a pretty impressive collection of content to be found here. But with lots of content comes the danger that it can be hard...
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Restart After a Relapse
It always seems to happen when you are trying to do something important. All of sudden your phone or your computer or your tablet seems to slow to a crawl. Images won’t load, applications or programs crash or freeze, and no matter how many times you click on something nothing seems to happen. It is...
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September is a Month for Celebrating Recovery
You probably know that each month of the year has several designated causes, ideas, or activities associated with it. But you may not be aware of just how many designations there are! Here are just a few of the various causes that are associated with specific months.  Some of them are related to history and...
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parent using drugs or alcohol, Parents with Untreated Substance Use Disorders
If you are a parent, you want the best for your children. But if you are a parent struggling with drugs or alcohol, it can be difficult to provide your kids with the love and attention they deserve. Worse, your substance use disorder can have lasting effects on the lives of your children. The experiences...
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