You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles on the topic of addiction recovery for individuals in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

What Can Our Favorite Disney Films Tell Us About Recovery?, Disney, Disney movies and substance use disorders,
We’re guessing you don’t generally think of Disney movies and substance use disorders together. After all, Disney has been bringing joy to families for decades, and substance use disorders have not brought joy to anyone at all. Ever. But various characters in a whole bunch of Disney classics say some mighty inspiring things—things that apply...
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Eight-Minute Phone Call, Phone Call and Depression, Eight-Minute Phone Call and Depression
Shocking Suggestion: To Support Sobriety, Try Using Your Phone as a…Phone If you are of a certain age, you no doubt remember having a landline phone. You would not have called it a “landline phone,” of course. You would have just called it a phone. Depending on the length of the cord, your phone limited...
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Imagine you are putting in some extra hours at the office. You think everyone else has gone home, so you decide to indulge a little. Instead of listening to your favorite music through your earphones, you decide to see what kind of sound you can coax out of your computer speakers. You find your new...
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Recovery Opinions
Are you a fan of The Voice? The singing competition has a unique gimmick. The four celebrity musicians who serve as coaches for teams of aspiring vocalists pick their artists based solely on the sound of each singer’s voice. The coaches start with their chairs turned away from the stage, but when they hear something...
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