You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles on the topic of addiction recovery for individuals in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

group of friends listening and supporting each other
When you were in the grips of a substance use disorder, you were likely beset by cravings. That is to say, you experienced a strong desire for drugs or alcohol nearly all of the time. And if you tried to give up those substances on your own, you almost certainly experienced even stronger cravings as...
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It is one of the most famous scenes from one of the most famous motion pictures of all time (and certainly a classic for anyone who calls Kansas home). In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, the Tin Man, and the Scarecrow (and, of course, Toto!) are headed into a forest along the Yellow Brick Road...
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Journaling Benefits, Writing (or Drawing) for Recovery, Write This Down: Journaling May Provide Many Benefits in Recovery
“Dear Diary…” Maybe that’s what you think of when someone suggests keeping a journal. You might imagine some starry-eyed teenager mooning over a crush in page after page of purple prose. Or an angst-filled young person detailing all the ways the world is unfair to them. It might be hard to imagine how keeping a...
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Misinformation Misses the Mark When It Comes to Recovery, facts about substance use disorders, substance use disorders and recovery,
Misinformation on addiction recovery can hinder progress. Bel Aire Recovery Center provides accurate, effective treatment.
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Misinformation Misses the Mark When It Comes to Recovery — Part OneHave you ever heard that you need to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you go swimming? Or have you been told that sitting too close to your television will damage your eyes? Or how about being told that if you swallow...
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How Bel Aire Recovery Center Supports Our Alums, Continuum of Care
When you think about the key parts of treatment for substance use disorders, detox and rehab probably come to mind right away.And that makes sense. After all, medically supervised detoxification is what allows a person with a substance use disorder to safely reclaim their sobriety. And rehabilitation—including group and individual therapy—is the part of the...
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Outdoor portrait of happy beautiful young woman relaxing in mountains over the clouds, wearing grey pullover
Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert?Extroverts often find social interaction to be fun and energizing. Introverts often find quiet time alone to be more fulfilling and energizing. So if you are the kind of person who can’t wait to go to the party, you are likely extroverted. And if you are the...
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Supporting a partner in recovery, What if You and Your Partner Aren’t on the Same Sobriety Page?, Sobriety, Sobriety Partner
Two Great Things That Might Not Go Great Together You have reclaimed your sobriety. You are in love. Taken one at a time, each of those things is simply wonderful. Taken together, however, those two things can be in conflict—especially if your partner does not want to give up drugs or alcohol. Whether your partner...
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Three Hobby Suggestions to Support Recovery
For many of us, it seems like our time is a scarce resource—and a resource that is mostly used for other people. We give 40 hours (probably more) each week to our boss. We give hours to our families or partners in the form of household chores or running kids from here to there or...
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recovery to-do list, Three Recovery Tips: Make a Budget, Tidy a Mess, Start a Journal
When you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, you might feel as though there is a long list of things you should do. The first, most important thing on that list is, of course, don’t drink or use drugs.  But there are plenty of other things on the recovery to-do list: Go to...
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