You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles in the field of alcohol abuse and alcoholism recovery. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

woman sitting on bed with her dog while drinking coffee - routines
When a person is in the grip of a substance use disorder, odds are their daily routine centers around just one thing: drugs or alcohol. Serving the addiction becomes the number one priority. Eventually, the substance use disorder will dictate the routines—upending a person’s job, relationships, education, and more. Routine in Recovery On the flip...
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beautiful pond landscape - nature
Sometimes you need a break from the city environment. Sure, Wichita is by no means New York City or Los Angeles. But it is a city just the same—with traffic and construction and crowds at the store and busy schedules and all the things that go with living in an urban environment. Nature Reduces Stress...
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dark haired man doing push ups at home - exercise
Recent Changes During this lengthy period when many of us have been staying home to slow the spread of COVID-19, our usual sources of exercise have been harder to come by. We’ve had to stay home from the gym. Our friendly pick-up games haven’t happened. Pools have been closed. Heck, many of us haven’t even...
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woman recording a podcast - recovery-related podcasts
Screen Time There is a good chance you have been spending this time of social distancing with your eyes on a screen. You might be binging on streaming services to the point that they occasionally ask you to confirm you are still watching (which, of course, you are). Or you might be staring at your...
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bright pink cloud hovering over ocean or lake water - the pink cloud
Many people who have gone through detox and rehab experience feelings of intense euphoria in the early days of their recovery journey. This is wholly understandable. After all, a person who is newly out from under the influence of drugs or alcohol use has plenty of reasons to celebrate. When we reach significant milestones, it...
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closeup of tennis shoes walking on nature path - outdoors
What a Wonderful World Maybe you know the old song “What a Wonderful World.” It opens like this: I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom, for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world The singer goes on to describe a number of beautiful things—the sky...
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young girl in black hooded sweatshirt with chalk drawings above head depicting anxiety - anxiety disorders
Anxiety is an unavoidable part of our lives. But for most people, anxiety is felt in specific and limited situations. We feel a little anxious when we are going to meet someone new, for example. Or maybe we get the anxious jitters before a speech, a test, or visit to the doctor. Nervous energy and...
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two pretty young women talking happily over coffee - recovery mentor
Have you ever had a mentor? Maybe your mentor was a teacher or a coach who always supported you and helped you consistently improve your academic or athletic performance. Maybe you had an internship in college, and your supervisor served as a mentor to show you the ropes. Or maybe you learned an artistic practice...
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painting of blue dove made of snowflakes - holiday
Spirituality and the Holidays December brings holidays connected with various religions to the fore, making it a time during which many people are thinking about spiritual matters of all kinds. The holiday season is also a fine time to consider what role spirituality might play in your recovery story. Before we go too far down...
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an array of healthy fruits, vegetables, grains, and milk - nutritional
Nutrition’s Role in Overall Health Good nutritional choices are seldom a priority for someone wrestling with a substance abuse disorder such as opioid or alcohol addiction. But once the journey toward lasting sobriety has begun, nutrition can play a key role in helping to limit the risk of relapse and in reversing some of the...
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