You Deserve Freedom

Tactical Recovery is a Great Sobriety Strategy for Veterans

Tactical Recovery is a Great Sobriety Strategy for Veterans

Serving in the United States Armed Forces can be a great source of pride for many of the brave individuals who make up the ranks of the various branches of the military. A sense of fellow-feeling and mutual support—as well as a clear set of expectations and responsibilities—are hallmarks of military service.

All too often, however, those things seem to fall away when a person returns to civilian life. In fact, returning to a so-called “regular life” can be one of the hardest things a veteran ever has to do. That might seem strange to say given all the challenges that accompany a life in the military, but it is absolutely true.

Too Many Veterans Struggle with Drugs or Alcohol

Some veterans turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to manage the stress and uncertainty they experience upon leaving the military. At first, it might seem like a simple way to take the edge off of their difficult emotions. But soon enough using drugs or alcohol can lead to the development of substance use disorder—and many veterans find it extremely difficult to ask for help to get sober or to manage the feelings and thoughts that led to the substance use in the first place.

That is where the Tactical Recovery Program—a service of Bel Aire Recovery Center—comes into play. 

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Designed Specifically for Veterans

The Tactical Recovery Program was designed with the specific needs of veterans in mind. The provides a safe and structured environment for veterans who are struggling with a substance use disorder.

The program is residential, meaning that veterans reside at Bel Aire’s peaceful, homelike facility during treatment, receiving access to round the clock care and support from a team of empathic and expert recovery professionals.

In addition to medically supervised detoxification, the Tactical Recovery Program provides evidence-based interventions designed to equip veterans with the strategies and resources they need to begin their recovery journey with confidence.

We Will Find the Therapy that is Right for You

Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all activity. And that is why the Tactical Recovery Program offers a variety of approaches to therapy to ensure that each individual’s needs are properly met. The program features both group and individual therapy. Those therapy session might include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Narrative therapy 
  • Trauma therapy
  • Experiential therapy
  • Recreation therapy
  • Neuro-counseling and psycho-educational workshops

You can learn more about the various approaches to therapy here and here. We want to reiterate that the staff of Bel Aire Recovery Center is highly trained in these different therapies and able to find the right fit for each veteran we serve. Mental health disorders are frequently fully entangled with substance use disorders, and we are prepared to effectively address both.

Other Aspects of the Tactical Recovery Program

Of course, one of the goals of any substance use and mental health disorder treatment program is to provide you with the strategies and tools you will need to maintain your sobriety and support your mental wellness over time. The Tactical Recovery Program includes a number of activities and ideas designed to serve you well over time. They include:

  • Expressive arts groups: Artistic expression and a commitment to creativity support your sobriety.
  • Exercise (including yoga): Physical health, mental wellness, and sobriety go together. 
  • Holistic wellness and mindfulness: Focusing on the full scope of your wellness as well as focusing on the present moment rather than living in the past or worrying about the future can help you stay sober and mentally well.
  • Spirituality: While you need not be religious in order to get and stay sober, an investigation into what makes life meaningful for you can support your ongoing wellness and sobriety.
  • 12-step integration upon request: Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (just one of several strong recovery programs) provide an ongoing system of support and accountability.

We are Here to Serve Those Who Have Served

We believe this is worth repeating: The Tactical Recovery Program is specifically for veterans. We are dedicated to serving those who have served our country and now find themselves struggling with drugs, alcohol, and/or mental health issues. If that describes you, we are eager to get to work helping you reclaim your life.

Your Life Changing Transformation Begins Now

At Bel Aire Recovery Center—located near Wichita, Kansas—we believe the right moment to get help for a substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health disorders is always right now. If you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, we can provide a safe, effective detoxification process. We follow that with a rehabilitation program during which we are also able to address mental health disorders like depression, anxiety and panic, and disorders grounded in trauma. And then we provide a continuum of care to ensure that you can begin your recovery journey with confidence. If you are ready to get started, we are, too.

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