You Deserve Freedom

Various Voices Whose Recovery Opinions You Should Hear

Recovery Opinions

Are you a fan of The Voice?

The singing competition has a unique gimmick. The four celebrity musicians who serve as coaches for teams of aspiring vocalists pick their artists based solely on the sound of each singer’s voice. The coaches start with their chairs turned away from the stage, but when they hear something they like, they hit a button that swings their chair around. If more than one coach hits their button, they must make their case to the often awestruck contestants—who must then choose their mentor.

During the audition process, the coaches hear voice after voice…after voice. And in each case, they have to decide whether they hear something special or not. When they do, they turn around. When they don’t, well, they don’t. 

When you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, you are likely to hear plenty of voices that are expressing opinions about you, your recovery, and your ability to stay sober. The key is to know which voices are worth listening to and which you should ignore.

We have some suggestions.

Voices You Should Listen To

The voices that can serve you well on your recovery journey have at least two things in common. First, the things they say support your sobriety. Second, they speak with kindness

Who falls into this category? Here is a partial list:

  • The people in your recovery group: Whether you attend 12-Step meetings or find another program more useful, the people you meet in this sort of setting are worthy of your attention. These are the voices of people who truly understand what you are going through—because they have gone through the same thing themselves.
  • The people who will tell you the truth—with love: When you are in recovery, you need people in your life who will be supportive—and who will hold you accountable when they need to. Finding the friends and family members who truly understand what is at stake means finding reliable voices who will always try to steer you in a positive direction.
  • Your therapist, doctor, and other professionals: Your mental and physical health are key factors in your recovery. Heeding the advice of those with expertise in these areas is essential—as is sticking strictly to their instructions if and when medications are prescribed.
  • Yourself: One of the best things you can do for yourself and your recovery is to work toward more positive self-talk. Affirmations can help spark a more consistently positive internal monologue—which in turn supports your sobriety.

Voices You Should Tune Out

Unfortunately, there are plenty of voices out there who have less helpful—or even harmful—things to say about recovery. Sometimes they mean well, but that does not mean you need to listen to them.

Who falls into this category? Here is a partial list:

  • People who want to moralize about your recovery: These are the folks who will tell you that sobriety is a matter of willpower or character or faith. This argument suggests that a substance use disorder is a character flaw rather than a treatable brain disease. Don’t let them get in your head.
  • People who relish any opportunity to criticize you: It is sad but true: there are plenty of people who seem to enjoy cutting you down or making fun of your struggles. They might be doing it to make themselves feel better about one thing or another, but you do not have to give them the opportunity to attack you.
  • People who want to profit from your recovery: There are plenty of companies in the wellness space that offer unproven treatments and techniques for maintaining your sobriety. The old rule applies: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Yourself: You might well be thinking something akin to, “Wait. Didn’t you just tell me to listen to myself?” We did, indeed. But we want to remind you that self-talk has a tendency to be negative unless you work at it. If you haven’t been doing the work—and if your inner voice is giving you a hard time—it is important to remind yourself that self-criticism does not support ongoing sobriety.

We Would Like to Give Voice to Our Ability to Help

At Bel Aire Recovery Center in Kansas, we are committed to helping you regain and maintain your sobriety. We offer personalized treatment, medically supervised detoxification, a robust approach to rehabilitation, treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders, and a continuum of care designed to offer ongoing support as your recovery journey gets underway. 

If your friends and family—or even you yourself—have started to suggest it is time to get help for a substance use disorder, we are ready to help you reclaim your life.

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