You Deserve Freedom


pretty young woman sitting on the couch at home looking at her smart phone, relaxing alone - newly sober
When a person is struggling with a substance use disorder, their relationships often fall apart. Maybe they have let their coworkers down again and again, so their work relationships are strained. Maybe they have borrowed money from family or friends to support their habit and failed to pay it back. Maybe their erratic behavior has...
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soldier sitting in a chair - veterans
Members of the armed forces—particularly those who spend time in combat zones—face many challenges during their time in the service. And for many, those challenges follow them home in one form or another after their service has been completed. As a result, many veterans turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. In fact,...
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Lady Yelling - Angry
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could go through life and never feel anger—not because we’re suppressing the emotion, but because we simply don’t have anything to feel angry about? Anger in Recovery But in reality, of course, we have plenty to be angry about. Like getting cut off in traffic. Or the boss dropping...
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Event Red Carpet - Substance Abuse
When you are in the grips of a substance use disorder, it is all too easy to convince yourself that your situation is unique. You might believe that you would not be struggling with drugs and alcohol if only your life were just a little bit better. If you were not struggling to make ends...
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Woman refusing a drink - Addiction
For the person who is experiencing it, the development of a substance use disorder can feel like a rapid descent—almost a free fall—from being a sober individual to being someone who has an addiction to drugs or alcohol. The reality is that a substance use disorder develops over a period of time and generally involves...
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Woman Organizing - cleanliness
You have probably heard the saying, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” It’s sort of an odd saying—and one many people wrongly believe is from the Bible. It probably does have its roots in ancient religion, and may have originally referred to the idea that purity of body and/or spirit is adjacent to a godly behavior....
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Homeless woman lay down on the ground holding alcohol - Help
“Well, one more won’t hurt, right?” We’ve all said about any number of things. One more piece of candy. One more episode in our binge. One more call to an ex. One more drink. And it is a seductive notion, isn’t it? We tend not to think about cumulative effects. We just think in terms...
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Calming down a woman - Benzos
The drugs in the class known as benzodiazepines—or benzos for short—are generally used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. While we all feel a sense of anxiety from time to time, a person with a disorder rooted in anxiety or panic may experience those feelings constantly or with particular intensity—or both. For those struggling with...
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Pill Capsules - PCP
If someone told you that they knew an easy way to help you set aside all of the stress in your life, you would probably be fairly intrigued. PCP and Stress After all, stress is a part of everyone’s life—and frequently it seems as though that stress will overwhelm us. For some people, even attempts...
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