You Deserve Freedom


lovely Thanksgiving meal set out on table - holidays
The Holidays and Addiction You have probably noticed that the holiday season is nearly upon us. For some people, that is exciting news. They love the big end-of- year holidays with the gatherings and the big meals and the presents and all the trappings of the season (though this year, we would urge you to...
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young adult woman and man looking at laptop together - help
If you love someone who is struggling with a substance use disorder, you already know the ways in which drugs and alcohol can turn a person’s life upside down and make it difficult for them to deal with even the most mundane parts of their day. They are probably underperforming at work or school; they...
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illustration of woman missing puzzle pieces that are outside of her - experiential therapy
For many people who have experienced hurtful relationships—including relationships that have led to trauma that might underlie a substance use disorder—going back and re-experiencing those relationships probably sounds like a terrible idea. These negative experiences were bad enough the first time. What could possibly be productive about revisiting them? Revisiting Through Experiential Therapy The answer,...
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woman sitting on bed with her dog while drinking coffee - routines
When a person is in the grip of a substance use disorder, odds are their daily routine centers around just one thing: drugs or alcohol. Serving the addiction becomes the number one priority. Eventually, the substance use disorder will dictate the routines—upending a person’s job, relationships, education, and more. Routine in Recovery On the flip...
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silhouette of exhausted woman on stationary bike - substitute addictions
Substitutions When it comes to substitutions, some are good and some are bad and some are complicated. Substituting a new player for a tired or injured player in sports: good. Substitute teachers: bad (though it’s no picnic for them, either). Sugar substitutes: pluses and minuses. In the context of substance use disorder recovery, substitute addictions...
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group therapy meeting - skills and recovery
Many people worry that going through treatment for a substance use disorder will not really work for them. Sure, they might get sober and stay sober for the duration of residential treatment. But then they have to head back out into the regular, everyday world—the place they were when they were abusing drugs or alcohol....
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bright illustration - person in cage, inside of head silhouette - fear
Sometimes, we know exactly what we need to do. But we might be afraid to do it. Fear can bring us to a standstill—keeping us from doing the thing we need to do. It is a common—and frustrating—cycle. A Dangerous Cycle It’s likely you have experienced this sort of cycle in your own life in...
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beautiful pond landscape - nature
Sometimes you need a break from the city environment. Sure, Wichita is by no means New York City or Los Angeles. But it is a city just the same—with traffic and construction and crowds at the store and busy schedules and all the things that go with living in an urban environment. Nature Reduces Stress...
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radio talk show host in studio - inner voices
Critical Commentators Do you ever listen to sports radio after your favorite team has finished a game? If the team won, the commentators will likely be upbeat and full of praise. But if they lost—and if they have been losing for a while now—the tone will be completely different. The hosts of the show will...
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