You Deserve Freedom

Our Commitment to Care Continues After Treatment

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Often, a big experience or accomplishment in our lives is followed by a moment of indecision or uncertainty. You might call it a “now what?” moment.

You just graduated from high school or college, but you don’t have the next thing lined up yet. Now what?

You just brought a brand new baby home from the hospital and are realizing that you don’t know anything about being a parent. Now what?

You just got promoted and have a brand new team looking to you for guidance. Now what?

You can probably think of other examples. We have one example in particular in mind:

You just finished residential treatment for a substance use disorder at Bel Aire Recovery Center. Now what? 

Let’s take a look at Bel Aire’s commitment to providing ongoing support as your recovery journey gets underway.

We Start Working on ‘What Next?’ at the Beginning

At Bel Aire Recovery Center, we start working on your discharge plan as soon as you are admitted for treatment. We do that not because we are in a rush to get you through detoxification and rehabilitation, but rather because we want to ensure that you are well positioned to maintain your newly regained sobriety as you return to daily life.

Our approach to setting you up for success is—like all of our treatment approaches—personalized to your specific needs. There are no cookie-cutter solutions on offer at Bel Aire. Instead, we work to create a plan that is right for you and that gives you the best chance for lasting sobriety. We will find the best possible support services in your home area and help you make connections to resources that will serve you well in your sobriety.

Those resources might include:

  • Intensive outpatient counseling, which might include participation in Bel Aire’s robust outpatient programs.
  • Referral to private therapists for ongoing mental health care because your mental well-being is intertwined with your sobriety.
  • Connection to local support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery, or SMART Recovery.
  • Sober living environments that provide supportive, drug and alcohol-free housing options.
  • Other supportive resources specific to your needs in your community.

When your time in residential treatment comes to an end, we will have a fully fleshed-out plan for your next steps so that you can start your recovery journey with confidence.

The CaredFor App Keeps the Support Coming

Bel Aire Recovery Center alumni also have access to the CaredFor app, which enables those who have gone through our residential treatment program to connect and engage with one another. This online community encourages a spirit of mutual support among individuals who have faced down similar challenges and are now working to maintain their sobriety.

Additionally, the CaredFor app provides a personalized dashboard to each user. The dashboard tracks your sobriety time, provides access to articles and other resource materials, and offers support from recovery experts—including those at Bel Aire Recovery Center.

The CaredFor app is free to use and can be accessed on most wireless devices. It serves as a convenient and powerful way to keep your recovery journey on track.

A Note from a Bel Aire Alum

You might be wondering how effective all this aftercare is when it comes to helping you stay sober. That’s fair enough. To give you a sense of the ways Bel Aire Recovery Center facilitates meaningful and lasting transformations in people’s lives, we offer this quote from a Bel Aire alum:

I feel very grateful for this treatment facility. I have been to an AA based facility before and it was unsuccessful. From the first class I attended at Bel Aire Recovery Center, I have learned so many new aspects of addiction, science, and skills to help me be successful in my recovery. The counselors and doctors focus on the underlying mental and physical health that led to substance abuse other than simply focusing on the addiction. I believe this philosophy is vital for success in recovery. I truly believe if I implement the knowledge and skills this facility is providing me, along with the post-treatment care and programs, I can overcome my addiction, remain sober, and live a life full of happiness and success that I never thought possible.

The Place to Start is at the Beginning

In this blog entry, we have been focused on what comes after residential treatment, but of course, the journey toward reclaimed sobriety starts at the beginning with medically supervised detoxification and a robust rehabilitation program that also addresses co-occurring mental health disorders.

The entire staff at Bel Aire Recovery Center—located near Wichita, Kansas—is committed to providing personalized care grounded in evidence, experience, expertise, and empathy. When you are ready to make a change, we are ready to help—and to keep helping even after your time in treatment comes to an end.

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