You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance abuse and addiction recovery. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

painting of blue dove made of snowflakes - holiday
Spirituality and the Holidays December brings holidays connected with various religions to the fore, making it a time during which many people are thinking about spiritual matters of all kinds. The holiday season is also a fine time to consider what role spirituality might play in your recovery story. Before we go too far down...
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family enjoying thanksgiving meal together - thanksgiving
The holiday is called Thanksgiving. Seems straightforward enough. It is a day for giving thanks for all of the blessings in our lives. But for many people, the holiday hardly brings up feelings of thankfulness. Our gratitude can get blocked out by the stress of family gatherings, a huge meal to prepare and clean up,...
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illustration of ladder leading up to sky - breaking through darkness to light - narrative therapy
Narratives Do you have some favorite stories about your life that you like to tell? Maybe you like to relive a moment of athletic triumph from high school. Perhaps you like to recount the time you met a celebrity in an elevator and got to talk to her for 12 floors. Or maybe you love...
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beautiful woman with curly dark hair looking thoughtfully out of cafe window - mind
It is so easy to let our minds wander. And when they wander, they often take us on journeys we would rather avoid. Our mind might dwell on past mistakes or disappointments; our thoughts might get tangled up in worry about the future; or our mind might simply drift away from the present moment while...
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an array of healthy fruits, vegetables, grains, and milk - nutritional
Nutrition’s Role in Overall Health Good nutritional choices are seldom a priority for someone wrestling with a substance abuse disorder such as opioid or alcohol addiction. But once the journey toward lasting sobriety has begun, nutrition can play a key role in helping to limit the risk of relapse and in reversing some of the...
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Caucasian family with grown kids making lunch in lovely modern grey kitchen - your recovery
Family Whether you are close or estranged or somewhere in between, your family may loom large in the early days of your recovery. There may come a moment when you have to decide how much you want to share with your immediate and extended family members about your recovery journey. On the one hand, the...
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diverse group holding up colorful comment signs - substance use disorder
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” So says Romeo as he considers Juliet—the woman he loves whose family is in constant conflict with his own—in Shakespeare’s play about star-crossed lovers. The young doomed lover is suggesting that it isn’t words or names that...
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young blonde woman bringing casserole to elderly neighbor at front door - support
Sound Advice Flight attendants always give passengers an important piece of advice when sharing emergency procedures: make sure you are wearing your own oxygen mask before you try to help others. After all, you’ll be no help to anyone if you collapse from a lack of oxygen, right? The same thing is true when you’re...
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pills on a paper prescription - opioid addiction
The Statistics Opioid addiction is one of the fastest and most devastating of all substance use disorders today. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that 130 people die every day in the United States as a result of opioid use. Do you have an addiction to pain meds? Are you worried your loved one...
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school girl crying - traumatic
Almost no one has a perfect childhood. Even those with loving parents, financial security, and other positive factors in their lives are likely to experience a variety of negative situations, ranging from the minor to the truly traumatic. For some, a traumatic experience or combination of traumas can have a lasting negative impact on their...
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