You Deserve Freedom




Bel Aire Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance abuse and addiction recovery. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

bright pink cloud hovering over ocean or lake water - the pink cloud
Many people who have gone through detox and rehab experience feelings of intense euphoria in the early days of their recovery journey. This is wholly understandable. After all, a person who is newly out from under the influence of drugs or alcohol use has plenty of reasons to celebrate. When we reach significant milestones, it...
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closeup of tennis shoes walking on nature path - outdoors
What a Wonderful World Maybe you know the old song “What a Wonderful World.” It opens like this: I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom, for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world The singer goes on to describe a number of beautiful things—the sky...
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pretty young woman on yellow background holding hand up in 'stop' gesture - excuses
Wise Words “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” So said Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, inventor, and coiner of pithy phrases. Ol’ Ben is on to something here when it comes to substance use disorders. If you’re making excuses for why you aren’t getting help for your problem, odds...
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young girl in black hooded sweatshirt with chalk drawings above head depicting anxiety - anxiety disorders
Anxiety is an unavoidable part of our lives. But for most people, anxiety is felt in specific and limited situations. We feel a little anxious when we are going to meet someone new, for example. Or maybe we get the anxious jitters before a speech, a test, or visit to the doctor. Nervous energy and...
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ambulance driving through city tunnel at night - overdoses
We can’t overemphasize the potentially catastrophic danger of overdoses. Let us be perfectly clear from the beginning: overdoses require immediate medical intervention. Without that intervention, death is a very real possibility. Even if you survive the overdose, you may suffer severe organ damage or other significant health impacts. Life and Death An overdose is easily...
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handsome middle age man sitting at home thinking - caring
When someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder, it is natural to want to help. But sometimes—more often than anyone would like—these efforts to help might seem ineffectual. And exhausting. Addressing Your Feelings and Needs In these cases, you will find yourself feeling frustrated or angry or sad. If those feelings aren’t...
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two pretty young women talking happily over coffee - recovery mentor
Have you ever had a mentor? Maybe your mentor was a teacher or a coach who always supported you and helped you consistently improve your academic or athletic performance. Maybe you had an internship in college, and your supervisor served as a mentor to show you the ropes. Or maybe you learned an artistic practice...
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black and grey illustration of two heads with radiation symbol on them - toxic relationships
Relationships and Recovery When we think about important steps to take to support recovery, we often think about making amends to people we have hurt as a result of a substance use disorder. That process is one of the 12 Steps, but even if you aren’t participating in a program like Alcoholics Anonymous, you may...
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closeup of young man doing a jigsaw puzzle - hobbies
The time for New Year’s resolutions is upon us! If you are in recovery for a substance use disorder, your most important resolution is, of course, to maintain your sobriety. Still, it may be worthwhile to make a few additional resolutions—especially if those promises to yourself can provide support for your sobriety. Avoiding boredom can...
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young man standing on balcony during winter looking sad - seasonal affective disorder
Winter Weather The winter months can be challenging for everyone, especially when weather conditions force us to spend more time indoors, and everything from driving to work to getting the kids bundled up to catch the school bus can feel more difficult. Add the significant stress of the holiday season to those feelings of cabin...
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