You Deserve Freedom

Articles By

Rob Cline
recovery to-do list, Three Recovery Tips: Make a Budget, Tidy a Mess, Start a Journal
When you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, you might feel as though there is a long list of things you should do. The first, most important thing on that list is, of course, don’t drink or use drugs.  But there are plenty of other things on the recovery to-do list: Go to...
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A Roundup of Details About Different Drugs: Part 2, cough suppressant, codeine,
In a recent entry, we looked back to some previous blog entries that provide details about the dangers of different kinds of drugs. Last time out, we considered cocaine, PCP, and opioids. Of course, those are far from the only drugs that can lead to a substance use disorder. In this entry, we will highlight...
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Pill - Xanax, Different Drugs
We cover a lot of ground in this blog, tacking all sorts of issues related to substance use disorders, treatment, and the recovery journey. There is, if we do say so ourselves, a pretty impressive collection of content to be found here. But with lots of content comes the danger that it can be hard...
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Restart After a Relapse
It always seems to happen when you are trying to do something important. All of sudden your phone or your computer or your tablet seems to slow to a crawl. Images won’t load, applications or programs crash or freeze, and no matter how many times you click on something nothing seems to happen. It is...
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getting treatment for a substance disorder order, The Time is Now When it Comes to Sobriety, Delaying treatment
Way back in 1969, the band Chicago had a hit with a song from the group’s very first record. The song’s title is a question: “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?”It’s a philosophical question (and truthfully, kind of an odd song). A close listen to the lyrics suggests that the answer to the...
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September is a Month for Celebrating Recovery
You probably know that each month of the year has several designated causes, ideas, or activities associated with it. But you may not be aware of just how many designations there are! Here are just a few of the various causes that are associated with specific months.  Some of them are related to history and...
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Puzzle of Sobriety, staying sober, You Can Solve the Puzzle of Sobriety & Staying Sober
Do you enjoy puzzles? Maybe you love piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. Perhaps you enjoy Wordle or Sudoku or Spelling Bee. Maybe you like a good logic puzzle with multiple factors to untangle as you work toward the correct solution.All of those puzzles—and many more—can be frustrating, but in the end the satisfaction of finishing...
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parent using drugs or alcohol, Parents with Untreated Substance Use Disorders
If you are a parent, you want the best for your children. But if you are a parent struggling with drugs or alcohol, it can be difficult to provide your kids with the love and attention they deserve. Worse, your substance use disorder can have lasting effects on the lives of your children. The experiences...
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Improvisation, Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay
When you think about people who improvise, jazz musicians might come to mind. Improvisation is a central part of a lot of jazz music as performers create solos right in the moment. You might hear the same musician play a section in the same tune many, many times and never hear exactly the same solo.If...
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Sober Path is Available Via Neuroplasticity
When you head off to work each day—whether you drive, walk, bike, take public transportation, or just head down the hall to the home office—odds are pretty good that you take the same route each day. You might have tried a few different routes when you first got the job, and from time to time you...
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