You Deserve Freedom


Our Treatment Philosophy is Built Around You

Addiction has a way of taking over your life, making you feel like you’re living in a dark place all alone. At Bel Aire Recovery Center, we know how to walk with you through the darkness and help you find hope and tools to get to the other side. We also know there is more to your story than your current struggle with addiction. We believe you can rebuild your life…and we can help.

“Alcohol was not my problem. My problem was that alcohol was my solution.” – Anonymous

We believe that addiction primarily develops as an attempt to solve a problem or ease pain or discomfort. Because of this, we approach your treatment with both a strong focus on achieving sobriety, and also on building skills to begin to heal the root cause of the addiction and subsequently prevent relapse.

What is Brain-Based Recovery?

Brain-based recovery offers real hope and useful tools to anyone struggling with addiction.

Brain-based recovery begins with a simple understanding of how your brain developed and responded to stress or trauma in your life. It continues to explain how your brain, mind, and body responded further to the use of drugs or alcohol – as a way to ease that stress or pain. This understanding of how your brain adapts can go a long way in explaining how and why addiction took over.

In the same way that brain-based recovery sheds light on how the addiction progressed, it can also show you the way out of your addiction and into a state of renewal – a way to rebuild your life. This rebuilding is made possible by the renewal of neural networks within your brain. This process is called neuroplasticity – it is your brain’s capacity to continuously remodel itself.

Integrating brain-based recovery principles with solid recovery practices combined with our focus on YOU is what makes us different.

At Bel Aire Recovery Center, we seek to listen and learn. To understand and educate. To provide hope and tools.

At Bel Aire Recovery Center, we listen to your story and learn where you most need support – physically, emotionally, spiritually, in your relationships, or a combination of all those things.

We provide integrated and individualized treatment that works:

  • Physical support to detox and heal
  • Emotional support to stabilize and calm
  • Community support to rebuild relationships
  • Spiritual support to reconnect with your purpose
You Deserve Freedom

Transformation is Within Reach

We are here to help.

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