You Deserve Freedom

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient therapy allows individuals struggling with substance use disorders or addiction to receive therapeutic support and counseling while continuing to live at home and maintain their daily responsibilities. This type of treatment is often recommended for individuals with milder issues or those who have completed a more intensive level of care, such as inpatient or residential treatment.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a structured and comprehensive treatment program designed to address addiction and substance use disorder issues. It is a level of care that falls between inpatient, or residential treatment and traditional outpatient therapy. IOP is often most beneficial when individuals require more intensive treatment than standard outpatient sessions but do not need 24/7 supervision and care in a residential setting. This is a great aftercare option following medical detox or an inpatient stay.

IOP sessions are offered both during the day and after hours on weekdays. Call for details and a schedule.

Traditional Outpatient Therapy

Our Outpatient Treatment program, much like our IOP, allows participants to live at home while obtaining guidance through therapy sessions. The difference is the frequency and intensity of the therapy. This is a step-down from our IOP.

Outpatient sessions are offered both during the day and after hours on weekdays. Call for details and a schedule.

At Bel Aire, our outpatient programs offer participants guidance on healthy ways to identify, avoid and overcome triggers, defeat negative thought patterns, and increase self-compassion. Long-term sobriety requires both a strong support network and ongoing personal growth.

Our outpatient care programs are designed to help participants recognize obstacles that often make recovery more difficult and discover practical ways of overcoming these obstacles. We help individuals develop skills to foster healthy relationships and improve decision-making abilities. Our goal is to advance recovery through proven therapies for coping with cravings, compulsiveness, anger, resentment, stress and other triggers. Our team employs various treatment protocols including relapse prevention curriculum, mindfulness, DBT, CBT.

Most importantly, our programs help clients rebuild their lives while working, parenting, going to school, and more.


9229 East 37th Street, Suite 103
Wichita, Kansas 67226
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You’re Never Alone

Leaving the structured environment of residential treatment can feel overwhelming. You may be worried about how to manage triggers, cravings, and the challenges of daily life on your own, but it’s important to remember that Bel Aire Recovery Center is committed to your success. When you need help, a recovery specialist is always just a phone call away.

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